Where To Complaint Against Mutual Fund Company ?

Mutual Fund

Investors would find the name of contact person in the offer document of the mutual fund scheme whom they may approach in case of any query, complaints or grievances.

Trustees of a mutual fund monitor the activities of the mutual fund. The names of the directors of asset management company and trustees are also given in the offer documents. Investors should approach the concerned Mutual Fund / Investor Service Centre of the Mutual Fund with their complaints, If the complaints remain unresolved, the investors may approach SEBI for facilitating redressal of their complaints. On receipt of complaints, SEBI takes up the matter with the concerned mutual fund and follows up with it regularly. Investors may send their complaints to:

Securities and Exchange Board of India
Office of Investor Assistance and Education (OIAE)
Plot No.C4-A , ??Block, 1st Floor,
Bandra-Kurla Complex,
Bandra (E), Mumbai ?400 051.
Phone: 26449199-88-77

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