How To Apply Jeevan Pramaan? FAQ

Jeevan Pramaan

How To Apply Jeevan Pramaan? – Jeevan Pramaan is computer generated digital life certificate for pensioner. Jeevan Pramaan Certificate is produced for individual pensioner using his Biometric Credentials with Adhaar Seeding.

How is this different from traditional Life Certificate issued by Govt Officers/ Agencies?
For this certificate individual pensioner has not to present himself/ herself in front of seniors authorised Officers. This can be generated even from home. Only you need a internet connection and Biometric devices.
What is required for registration on Jeevan Pramaan?
Pensioner needs to know and provide his/her Aadhaar Number, PPO Number, Bank Account number and branch detail, Name, Address etc
How can I register myself for a Jeevan Pramaan?
There are three ways to register and get a Jeevan Pramaan

• visit your nearest CSC centre and register online using CSC services and you may have to pay nominally for this
• visit a Designated Office and register yourself
• Download the application & install on your android based smart phone/tablet or Windows PC/Laptop and register yourself

How many times individual has to register in a year?
Individual has to register once and later he can generate Jeevan Pramaan using Biometric authentication.
Is the online registration chargeable?
Jeevan Pramaan Centres may charge a maximum of Rs.10 for submission of Digital Life Certificate.

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