What is Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006 ?

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Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006 – The guidelines which are needed to be followed as per Banking Ombudsman. Customer must know the basic of Banking Ombudsman steps.

Follow the major guidelines of Banking Ombudsman

1) The Banking Ombudsman Scheme enables a bank customer for filing of complaints relating to certain services rendered by banks.

2) The Banking Ombudsman is a senior official appointed by the Reserve Bank of India to redress customer complaints against deficiency in certain banking services.

3) All Scheduled Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks and Scheduled Primary Co-operative Banks are covered under the Scheme.

4) The Banking Ombudsman does not charge any fee for filing and resolving customers’ complaints.

5) The maximum compensation which a Banking Ombudsman can help a complainant to get is Rs. 10 lakhs.

6) If a complaint is not settled by an agreement within a period of one month, the Banking Ombudsman proceeds further to pass an award. Before passing an award, the Banking Ombudsman provides reasonable opportunity to the complainant and the bank, to present their case.

7) If one is not satisfied with the decision passed by the Banking Ombudsman, one can approach the appellate authority who is the Deputy Governor of the RBI.

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