Education Loan Loans & Advances

How To Get Education Loan for Nursing Courses ?

The Indian Nursing Council gives permission to Nursing colleges to start new courses for a period of 1 year which is renewed on a yearly basis. The practice of renewing the permission is done on a year-to-year basis for both the existing nursing colleges as well as the new nursing colleges. Banks could consider applications […]

Education Loan Loans & Advances

What is the Quantum of Finance Under Education Loan ?

Need based finance to meet the expenses worked out as per eligible expenses referred above will be considered taking in to account margins as per Sl no 5 mentioned below subject to the following ceilings: -Studies in India -Maximum upto 10 lakhs. -Studies Abroad -Maximum upto 20 lakhs. Note: The ceilings fixed for studies in […]

Income Tax

How Can I Avail Tax Benefit Under RGESS ?

The tax deduction for RGESS is u/s 80CCG and it is over and above the Rs. 1 lakh limit specified under Section 80C. Further, it is not mandatory for citizens to exhaust the limit of Rs 1 lakh specified under Section 80C to make investments under Section 80CCG for RGESS.

Education Loan Loans & Advances

What are the Course Eligible For Education Loan ?

Courses Eligible : a) Studies in India: i) Approved courses leading to graduate/ post graduate degree and P G diploma conducted by recognized colleges/ universities recognized by UGC/ Govt./ AICTE/ AIBMS/ ICMR etc. ii) Courses like ICWA, CA, CFA etc. iii)Courses conducted by IIMs, IITs, IISc, XLRI. NIFT, NID D etc. iv)Regular Degree/Diploma courses like […]