Banking News

Aadhaar Compulsory in Filling I-T Return, New PAN from July, 1st

Finally Government has made Aadhaar number compulsory in filling Income Tax Returns (IT returns) as well as getting new PAN (Permanent Account Number) from 1st July this year. The new proposal has been made through an amendment to the Finance Bill. Finance ministry is presenting amendment in finance bills this session itself for modification. Based […]

Banking Banking News

Aadhaar Mandatory for All Government Schemes, Pension, EPFO

Government of India has made Aadhaar Mandatory for all the transaction related to Government sponsored schemes, Pension funds floated by EPFO and Employee Provident Fund beneficiaries. Provision is made in such a way that individuals without Aadhaar cards will not be allowed to receive provident funds, irrespective of the fact that whether the individual works in […]