Syndicate Bank, Only PSB Listed in CX+ Top 10 Retail Banks in India 2019

Top 10 retail banks in India
Banking News Syndicate Bank

Kantar Releases CX+ India Retail Banking Report 2019 – The Kantar CX+ study on performance of Indian Banks were analyzed on the basis of 7,280 retail banking customers in India to find out which banks have the experience advantage.

Syndicate Bank is the only public sector bank listed in the Top 10 Best Retail Bank in India survey. The Syndicate Bank has shown the aggressive performance in recent times with advancement of technology along with new initiatives in retail banking. 

Top 10 retail banks in India

The finding were based on the following 5 key areas:

  1. Clarity of brand promise
  2. Empowered employees
  3. Empowered customers
  4. Creating lasting memories
  5. Exceptional deliveries

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These findings underline the clear benefits of delivering strong customer experience:

• Banks that lead in the CX+ Index are 1.6x are more likely to be recommended than banks at the lower end of the index.

• Banks that deliver an excellent experience on digital channels are 2.5x more likely to delight customers.

• Customers are 3.6x more delighted when they feel appreciated by their bank.

• While improved customer experience can benefit financial services companies across the board, the opportunity to grow is particularly significant among women, according to the research.

About Kantar –  Kantar is the world’s leading data, insights and consulting company. Visit

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