Syndicate Bank Bharat QR Apps, How To Use Guide ?

Digital Banking

Syndicate Bank has launched the syndicate Bharat QR application for android devices i.e. Synd Bharat QR. Syndicate Bank customer can now use the Bharat QR application to scan and pay bills at any of the merchant outlets. Currently Syndicate Bank Bharat QR application will support Rupay cards for payments and later VISA, Master pass etc will be included.

ReadHow To Scan and Pay Using Bharat QR Code Apps ?

Syndicate Bank customer can scan the QR code present at the merchant site (whether online or offline) and initiates the payment through the app. Bharat QR code is the NPCI initiative to pay merchant, receive or send money with scanning the QR code at merchant outlets. Payment can be made to merchant through Bharat QR code after scanning the code and crediting the amount.

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How To Pay Using Synd Bharat QR Application of Syndicate Bank ?

Follow the below mentioned steps to Scan and pay using Syndicate Bank Bharat QR application.

  1. Visit the Google Play store for downloading the Synd Bharat QR application here
  2. Search Synd Bharat QR and Install
  3. Open the application after installing
  4. Click on Registration button at bottom of Application

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  1. Provide basic details like Mobile Number, Customer Id’s and Email Address

  2. Click on register button

  1.  An OTP will sent on registered mobile number

  2. Enter OTP received through SMS and click verify

  3.  Enter rupay card number, expiry period and click on “VALIDATE” button.

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  1.  A new screen will be provided with “Security Questions” page wherein user can select the questions and enter desired answer.

  1. Application displays “Enter new MPIN” and “Confirm New MPIN” pages to create MPIN.

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  1. After successful creation of mPIN user will be shown Dashboard

  2. Tap on “Pay With BharatQR” option.

  1. Device will read the QR code and application will automatically scan the QR code

  1. On successful scanning of QR code, “Bill Details” page will be displayed which shows merchant details. User Just have to enter the bill amount.

  1. Click Proceed

  1. User can choose any of the card to make payment

  1.  After successful payment receipt will be generated

  1. Customer can check the transaction in recent activity screen


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