Synd Arogya Mediclaim Policy – Revised Premium Chart

Insurance Syndicate Bank

Syndicate Bank’s Mediclaim cum personal accident policy with family floater advantage, Synd Arogya premium has been revised w.e.f 20th Dec 2018. The revised premium chart is provided by the bank here with below :


Synd Arogya is a Group Mediclaim Insurance Cum Personal Accident for Syndicate Bank Account Holders. Option of Family floater advantage is also available on this policy.

Policy holders will get the benefits of Income Tax also on the premium amount u/s 80D. Any customers of Syndicate Bank can purchase the Synd Arogya policy from any of the branches of Syndicate Bank.

The Synd Arogya policy needs to be renewed every year. Policy holders are having option to renew the Synd Arogya Policy after visiting any of the United India Insurance offices or Syndicate Bank branches or through Online mode.

Read- Steps to Renew the Synd Arogya Policy Online

Payment for renewal of Synd Arogya Policy can be made through any of the Payment mode i.e. Credit card, Debit card, Internet Banking etc.

Download the Synd Arogya Proposal Form – Here

Download the Synd Arogya Policy Guidelines/Details – Here 

IRDA Details/Schemes Synd Arogya – Here

14 thoughts on “Synd Arogya Mediclaim Policy – Revised Premium Chart

  1. premium is increased and effective from 20.12.2019. if in any case premium due before 20.12.2019 for year 2020
    than in this case what i have to pay ?

  2. Where can I find the full terms and conditions of the synd arogya online?

    Also, can the insurance premium be hiked liked this? We understand for new joiners the hike can be applied but not for the renewals right? IRDAi has guidelines that prohibits such increase.

  3. I have renewed my Synd Arogya Policy last December 2019. Any ID Cards are issued by UIICO since I do not have the same.

  4. I am your regular SYNDAROGYA policy holder for more then 10 years last your your premium was Around 7500/= for same policy under plan ‘A’ ,whereas this year your asking around 12000/=
    What is the reason behind this fantastic hick being public. Sector company.

    1. Hi, policy is provided by bank in association with UIICO. It’s insurance company which has hiked the premium rates. Bank is not at all involved in this.

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