11th Bipartite Settlement Salary Structure Wage Revision

11th Bipartite Expected Salary Calculator For Bank Employees

11th Bipartite Settlement for Bank employees is due on 01st Nov 2017 but the demand of wage revision as per central government employees are already started among banker’s. Banker’s believe that their salary are not competitive as per the market scenario. They want their salary as competitive like their peers in private sector banks. There […]

11th Bipartite Settlement Salary Structure Wage Revision

11th Bipartite Settlement – Officer’s Summary of Demand Submitted To IBA

Finally after lot of repeated reminder by government, Bank’s officers union has submitted the summary of demand and no charted of demand to Indian Banker’s association (IBA). Bank officer’s union are not having that much time to finalize the Charter of Demand of their members. They have requested IBA to grant them time for preparing […]

11th Bipartite Settlement Salary Structure

11th Bipartite – Clerk Charter of Demands Submitted to IBA By Workmen Unions

11th Bipartite Settlement Updates – Charter of Demands being submitted by Workmen Union of Banks to Indian Banker’s Association (IBA) for wage settlement which is due on 1st November 2017. The Charter of Demands submitted by Umbrella of Bank’s Union on behalf of all the clerks and subordinate staff of Public sector banks in India. […]

11th Bipartite Settlement Salary Structure

11th Bipartite Settlement – Government Wants Public Sector Bank to Settle the Wage Revision by 01st Nov 2017

11th Bipartite Settlement Wage Revision for Bank Employees Updates – On suggestion of BBB (Board of Bank Bureau) Finance Ministry under Government of India has asked in a communication to CEOs and MDs of all the Public Sector Banks (PSB’s) to initiate the steps for smooth conclusion of next wage revision which is due on […]

11th Bipartite Settlement Banking News Opinion Salary Structure

10 Public Sector Banks Are Not Eligible for 11th Bipartite Settlement Benefits

Recently Government agrees to infuse Rs8,586 crore capital infusion in 10 weak public sector banks (PSBs) in the current fiscal year but terms strict norms and condition, including raising capital from other sources and curtailing major employee benefits. Government wants a tripartite memorandum of understanding (MoU) in this regard between Bank Management, Government concerned and […]

11th Bipartite Settlement

Punjab National Bank Plan to Quit 11th Bipartite Settlement

Public Sector State-run bank Punjab National Bank may quit upcoming IBA wage settlement i.e. 11th Bipartite Settlement of Wage revision to introduce their own wage structure. PNB has set up an internal committee consisting of general managers which is studying the feasibility of a new wage structure for the bank. Afterward bank would decide to […]