Shining India – Rs 200 Note first time in India. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has come up with the first-ever Rs 200 denomination banknotes. Rs 200 new note will be having the Motif of Sanchi Stupa on the reverse.
The base color of the note is Bright Yellow. The note has other designs, geometric patterns aligning with the overall color scheme, both at the obverse and reverse. The main aim of launching the Rs 200 currency note is to address liquidity issue and also reduce the burden on the Rs 100 note. This would be useful in countering the Rs 2000 chaos.
Rs 200 notes may be instant hit in India market on expectation that there is no other denomination between Rs 100 and Rs 500 notes.
Read : Now Your Bank Note of Rs 500 in a New Design
Features of New Rs 200 Notes
1. The new note will be released inder Mahatma Gandhi (New) Series, bearing signature of RBI Governor Dr. Urjit R. Patel.
2. This new note can See through register with denominational numeral 200. Latent image with denominational numeral 200
3. Denominational numeral २०० in Devnagari
4. Portrait of Mahatma Gandhi at the centre
5. Micro letters ‘RBI’, ‘भारत’, ‘India’ and ‘200’
6. Windowed security thread with inscriptions ‘भारत’ and RBI with colour shift. Colour of the thread changes from green to blue when the note is tilted
7. Guarantee Clause, Governor’s signature with Promise Clause and RBI emblem towards right of Mahatma Gandhi portrait
8. Denominational numeral with Rupee Symbol, Rs 200 in colour changing ink (green to blue) on bottom right
9. Ashoka Pillar emblem on the right
10. Mahatma Gandhi portrait and electrotype (200) watermarks
11. Number panel with numerals growing from small to big on the top left side and bottom right side
12. For visually impaired: Intaglio or raised printing of Mahatma Gandhi portrait, Ashoka Pillar emblem, raised Identification mark H with micro-text ₹200, four angular bleed lines with two circles in between the lines both on the right and left sides.
13. Year of printing of the note on the left
14. Swachh Bharat logo with slogan
15. Language panel
16. Motif of Sanchi Stupa
17. Denominational numeral २०० in Devnagari
18. Dimension of the banknote will be 66 mm x 146 mm