Debt to Equity Ratio, that calculates the total debt and liabilities against total shareholders’ equity. The good Debt to Equity Ratio is 2 to 2.5. It is calculated by dividing a company’s total liabilities by its shareholder equity. Checkout Debt to Equity Ratio Formula For Banks, Calculator
- Total liabilities: Total liabilities represent all of a company’s debt, including short-term and long-term debt, and other liabilities (e.g., bond sinking funds and deferred tax liabilities).
- Shareholders’ equity: Shareholders’ equity is calculated by subtracting total liabilities from total assets. Total liabilities and total assets are found on a company’s balance sheet.
a) Here debt means borrowings which are repayable after 12 months from the date of balance sheet which are called Long Term Debt/Long Term Liabilities.
b) Equity means the owners fund i.e. how much money is provided by the owners of the business c) The formula to calculate DER is [ Long Term Debt] divided by [ Equity]
d) DE indicates the relationship between long term liabilities and equity
e) Banks calculate this ration while financing Term Loan.