What is the Quantum of Finance Under Education Loan ?

Education Loan Loans & Advances

Need based finance to meet the expenses worked out as per eligible expenses referred above will be considered taking in to account margins as per Sl no 5 mentioned below subject to the following ceilings:

-Studies in India -Maximum upto 10 lakhs.

-Studies Abroad -Maximum upto 20 lakhs.


The ceilings fixed for studies in India and Abroad correspond to the limits fixed by the RBI for treatment as priority sector lending.

It would, however, be open to banks to consider higher quantum of loan on course to course basis (eg: courses in IIMs, ISB etc). It
may also be noted that even loans in excess of 10 lakhs qualify for interest subsidy under Central Sector Interest Subsidy Scheme
for loans up 10 lakhs.

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