Loan FAQ Loan Ratio Loans & Advances

How To Calculate Security Coverage Ratio ?

Calculate Security Coverage Ratio – This is the most required ratio formula for loan approval. Majority of loan inclusive of Term loan and overdrafts are made eligible based on this formula. Asset coverage ratio is the measurement tools for company debt obligations against its assets. There are many bankers which define the security coverage ratio […]

Financial Calculator Loan Ratio

Financial Ratio Analysis Calculator – Loans & Mortgages

Financial Ratio Analysis Calculator for Bank Loans & Mortgages – Financial Ratio Analysis Calculator and formula for calculating and analyzing various bank loan for Home, Mortgage Loans, Housing Loan, Term Loan, Business Loan, Credit Card Loan, MSME etc. and project analysis of working capital including term loan and composite loan. These are the most common […]

Banking News Loans & Advances

Basic Details of Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate (MCLR) By RBI

Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate (MCLR) is a new lending rate introduce by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) which is to be implemented by 01-04-2016. MCLR will be the internal bench mark rate of the bank along with  existing lending rate system i.e. Base Rate from the Banking Industry. The sole reason the […]

Loan Ratio

How To Calculate Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) ?

How To Calculate Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) ? – Debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) a very important rile for assessment in giving loan to any firm, individual etc which is calculated to measure potential borrower’s debt.This is sometime also known as Debt service ratio (DSR). It is most reliable tool used by almost all the […]

Loan FAQ Loans & Advances

How To Calculate Loan Monthly Reducing Balances Interest?

How To Calculate Loan Monthly Reducing Balances Interest? – Number of time lender promote their loan products quoting Reducing Balance EMI. This is the method used by Public Sector Bank for various loan products mainly MSME Business Loan, Overdaft, Housing loan, Credit Cards etc. What exactly the Monthly Reducing Balance Method of EMI calculation ? […]

Loan FAQ Loan Ratio

How To Calculate Net Interest Margin(NIM)?

Formula to Calculate Net Interest Margin (NIM) in Percentage, which is the difference of Interest Income generated through various sources and expenses made out on interest to lenders on various items like deposit etc. How To Calculate Net Interest Margin ? Net interest margin (NIM) is a measure of the difference between the interest income earned […]