How To Do Airtel eKYC With Face Authentication ?

Airtel eKYC With Face Authentication
Digital Banking HowTo

Airtel eKYC With Face Authentication updates – Leading Telecom service provider Airtel has launched the face authentication based e-KYC for opening the Saving bank accounts. It’s banking arm i.e. Airtel Payment banks is now accepting the request from the existing customers for validating the Know Your Customer (KYC) details with face authentication.

This facility will further ease the account opening process making it seamless & convenient for customers. Airtel Payments Bank is the first Bank in the country to offer this facility. The authentication is processed using a mobile application by UIDAI; business correspondents (BC) will now only need a smartphone to open an account.

Till now, if a customer wished to open an account with Airtel Payments Bank, Aadhaar-based OTP or fingerprint biometric authentication was carried out. Checkout the UPI per day limit of Airtel Payment Bank

This KYC facility uses AI/ML based Face Authentication RD Application, which helps in the prevention of fraudulent activities by cross-checking individual’s photo with the image captured in Aadhaar and allows secure customer onboarding.

Customer just needs to visit any of the Airtel BC centre or store to get it done immediately without any paper. For any queries about Airtel eKYC With Face Authentication, comment below.

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