How To Activate IMPS Fund Transfer in Andhra Bank ?

IMPS Mobile Banking

Learn how to transfer and activate Andhra Bank IMPS services. Andhra Bank IMPS (Immediate Payment Services) instantly transfer fund up to Rs 50,000 to any bank account in India within second. This is the instant fund transfer facilities provided to customer of nationalized public sector Andhra Bank. Now any account holder of Andhra Bank i.e. Saving Account, Current Account , Staff account, Overdraft etc can make transaction and payment through their mobile using NPCI services i.e. IMPS.

IMPS can be used in Mobile Banking application of Andhra Bank for Inter bank fund transfer. Now customer can instantly transfer the money using their mobile where payment are instant. NPCI has fixed a limit to transfer the money with mobile number or IFSC along with account number or aadhaar.

Andhra Bank – How to register for mobile number ?

  1. Customer should visit ATM for registration of mPAY and on successful registration the customer has to download the mobile banking application by clicking the URL link in the SMS message  :
  2. The Mobile Banking application will be saved in his/her Mobile.
  3. Application prompts user to change application password and M-PIN
  4. Customers whose hand sets are not Java enabled should visit ATM for registration of Mobile Banking and should get MPIN for availing SMS service

How to generate MMID ?

  1. Using application: Customer mobile number should be registered with bank for Mobile Banking Application and MMID can be generated by using m-PAY application under Fund Transfer –> Other Bank–> IMPS –> Generate MMID. 
  2. Using SMS Tags: Customer mobile number should be registered with the bank for SMS alerts. For getting MMID customer should send SMS as MMID to 9223173924

ReadHow To Activate IMPS in Allahabad Bank ?

How to get M-PIN ?

Visit ATM and register for mPAY, receipt has MPIN and Password

To generate MPIN from ATM, visit nearest Andhra Bank ATM and complete following steps.

Swipe ATM card > Transaction Type > Services > Select language > Enter ATM Pin > Mobile Banking > Registration > Agree > Enter Mobile Number > Re-enter Mobile Number > Select A/C type > Collect transaction receipt*

*Transaction receipt will have MPIN.

Customer can Generate mPIN through Internet Banking

How to send money using IMPS of Andhra Bank ?

  1. Using application: Customer mobile number should be registered with bank for Mobile Banking Application . Customer can transfer his funds (within AB and other banks also) using the option Fund Transfer à Other Bank–> IMPS–>Quick IMPS.
  2. Using SMS Tags: Customer mobile number should be registered with the bank for Mobile Banking and should have the MMID for transferring funds. Customer can transfer his funds by the SMS.

Follow: IMPS <Beneficiary Mobile Number> <Beneficiary MMID> <Amount> <MPIN>

ReadHow To Do IMPS Fund Transfer in SBI ?

How to receive money ?

  1. Register your mobile number with your account in the Bank
  2. Get MMID from the Bank
  3. Share your mobile number and MMID with sender
  4. Ask the sender to send money
  5. Check the SMS confirmation for the money received through IMPS

Amount limits and Bank charges

Amount Limits :

  1. Through SMS and USSD – Rs 1,000/- per day and Rs 5,000/- per month
  2. Through mobile banking application and WAP – Rs 50,000/- per day and Rs 2,50,000/- per month

Bank Charges: NIL

Andhra Bank – Contact information

    1. Customer care number – 1800-22-1070 (MTNL / BSNL) / 1800-200-1947 (Reliance or any mobile) 
    2. Website –

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