What are the Course Eligible For Education Loan ?

Education Loan Loans & Advances

Courses Eligible :

a) Studies in India:

i) Approved courses leading to graduate/ post graduate degree and P G diploma conducted by recognized colleges/ universities recognized by UGC/ Govt./ AICTE/ AIBMS/ ICMR etc.

ii) Courses like ICWA, CA, CFA etc.

iii)Courses conducted by IIMs, IITs, IISc, XLRI. NIFT, NID D etc.

iv)Regular Degree/Diploma courses like Aeronautical, pilot training, shipping etc., approved by Director General of Civil Aviation/Shipping, if the course is pursued in India.

v)Approved courses offered in India by reputed foreign universities.

vi)Other courses leading to diploma/ degree etc. conducted by colleges/ universities approved by UGC/ Govt./ AICTE/AIBMS/ ICMR etc

vii) Courses offered by National Institutes and other reputed private institutions. Banks may have the system of appraising other institution courses depending on future prospects/recognition by user institutions.

viii) Courses, which are not covered under the criteria, mentioned above, CMD/ED may take a view to consider extending Education loan under the scheme taking into account the future prospects/recognition by user institution.

ix) Teacher training course/Nursing course/B.Ed are eligible for education loan, provided the training institutions are approved
either by the Central Government or by the State Government and such courses should lead to Degree or Diploma course and
not to certification course.

(b) Studies abroad:

i) Graduation: For job oriented professional/ technical courses offered by reputed universities.

ii) Post graduation: MCA, MBA, MS, etc.

iii) Courses conducted by CIMA-London, CPA in USA etc.

iv) Degree/diploma courses like aeronautical, pilot training,shipping etc provided these are recognized by competent regulatory bodies in India/abroad for the purpose of employment in India/abroad.

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