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Revised Performance Linked Incentive Calculator for Public Sector Banks

Revised Performance Linked Incentive Calculator for Public Sector Banks – The Finance Ministry has unveiled a performance-linked incentive (PLI) scheme for the senior executives of public sector banks (PSBs) i.e. Chief Manager, AGM, DGM, General Managers and CGM than MD & CEO including Executive Directors. The PLI ceiling for Managing Director & Chief Executive Officers and […]

Banking Banking Terms Careers & Jobs

What is Money Market ?

Money Market refers to the market for short-term requirement and deployment of funds. Money market instruments are those instruments, which have a maturity period of less than one year. The most active part of the money market is the market for overnight call and term money between banks and institutions and repo transactions. It is regulated by RBI. Money Market […]

Banking Banking Terms Careers & Jobs

What is Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006 ?

Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006 – The guidelines which are needed to be followed as per Banking Ombudsman. Customer must know the basic of Banking Ombudsman steps. Follow the major guidelines of Banking Ombudsman 1) The Banking Ombudsman Scheme enables a bank customer for filing of complaints relating to certain services rendered by banks. 2) The Banking Ombudsman is a senior […]