Calculate Your Salary Difference With 11th Bipartite Hike

11th-bipartite-salary calculator
11th Bipartite Settlement

Calculate 11th Bipartite Salary Hike – Meeting between IBA and Banks’ Union are going on for salary hike for already pending 11th Bipartitre Wage Revision for Bankers. Recent meeting between IBA & Banks’ Union UFBU just concluded and IBA has rejected the demands of any further hike in existing offer of 6%. 

IBA has also formulated the Performance linked salary structure for bank employees and given a draft presentaion to Banks’ Union in this regard.

IBA had agreed on the merger of Dearness Allowance (DA) of 47.80% with basic pay. Based on the variosu consideration, if we see the difference in Gross Salary with this 6% hike, it’s mere. Calculate and verify yourself.

For Officers salary hike from Probationary Officers (PO) to Scale III (Senior Manager), Any Bank

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