Calculate Clerks Salary Difference after 11th Bipartite Wage Revision

Clerks Salary Calculator
11th Bipartite Settlement

Calculate 11th Bipartite Salary Hike for Clerks (Projected) – Outcome of recent meeting between IBA and Banks’ Union shows that IBA is not at all agreed on any further hike in existing offer of 10%. In the recent meeting, IBA has also presented the Performance linked salary structure for bank employees and given a draft presentation to Banks’ Union in this regard. Union will discuss on this offer in detailed.

Read – List of Banks which may not be considered for granting 11th Bipartite Salary Hike

IBA had agreed on the merger of Dearness Allowance (DA) of 47.80% with basic pay. Based on the various consideration, if we see the difference in Gross Salary with this 10% hike, it’s mere. Calculate and verify yourself. Calculator has given an option to enter any percentage of hike offered by IBA i.e. presently 10%.

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