Education Loan Loans & Advances

What are the Course Eligible For Education Loan ?

Courses Eligible : a) Studies in India: i) Approved courses leading to graduate/ post graduate degree and P G diploma conducted by recognized colleges/ universities recognized by UGC/ Govt./ AICTE/ AIBMS/ ICMR etc. ii) Courses like ICWA, CA, CFA etc. iii)Courses conducted by IIMs, IITs, IISc, XLRI. NIFT, NID D etc. iv)Regular Degree/Diploma courses like […]

Education Loan Loans & Advances

What is the Eligibility Criteria For Education Loan in India ?

Student eligibility: The student should be an Indian National.Should have secured admission to a higher education course in recognized institutions in India or Abroad through Entrance Test/Merit Based Selection process after completion of HSC(10 plus 2 or equivalent). However, entrance test or selection purely based on marks obtained in qualifying examination may not be the […]

Loans & Advances

What is Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) Under PMEGP ?

The objective of EDP is to provide orientation and awareness pertaining to various managerial and operational functions like finance, production, marketing, enterprise management, banking formalities, bookkeeping, etc. The duration for EDP under REGP was only 3 days, whereas, under PMRY it was 10 days. During various meetings, discussions and recommendations of Department Related Parliamentary Standing […]

Share & Stocks

Which Are the Stock Invested Under RGESS ?

The investment options under the scheme will be limited to the following categories of equities ? Listed equity shares 1. The top 100 stocks at NSE and BSE i.e., CNX-100 / BSE -100 (This does not mean that one has to trade through NSE or BSE only. If the securities constituting BSE 100 or CNX […]