When Purchased Unit are Transfered in Close Ended Schemes ?
According to SEBI Regulations, transfer of units is required to be done within thirty days from the date of lodgment of certificates with the mutual fund.
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According to SEBI Regulations, transfer of units is required to be done within thirty days from the date of lodgment of certificates with the mutual fund.
Mutual funds are required to despatch certificates or statements of accounts within six weeks from the date of closure of the initial subscription of the scheme. In case of close-ended schemes, the investors would get either a demat account statement or unit certificates as these are traded in the stock exchanges. In case of open-ended […]
This is purely depends on the income level and earning of individual. There are many other cases also where the returns are anticipated and invested accordingly. I would always suggest to invest for long time.
A scheme cannot promise returns unless such returns are fully guaranteed by the sponsor or AMC and this is required to be disclosed in the offer document. TIPS : Investors should carefully read the offer document whether return is assured for the entire period of the scheme or only for a certain period. Some schemes […]
Repurchase or redemption price is the price or NAV at which an open-ended scheme purchases or redeems its units from the unitholders. It may include exit load, if applicable. When price or NAV of a unitholder is charged while investing in an open-ended scheme is called sales price.
The process of forming a Mutual Fund companies is little complex as a mutual fund is set up in the form of a trust, which has sponsor, trustees, asset management company (AMC) and custodian. The trust is established by a sponsor or more than one sponsor who is like promoter of a company. The trustees […]
Yes, non-resident Indians can also invest in mutual funds. Necessary details in this respect are given in the offer documents of the schemes.
Vocational / skill development study courses, off-campus courses and on-site/partnership programmes are not eligible for loan under the IBA scheme.