Bank Account FAQs Syndicate Bank

Register Complaint To Syndicate Bank

Register Your Complaint To Syndicate Bank – A Public Sector banks provided various banking services including loans, Deposit etc. All the customers of Syndicate Bank may register their complaint through form mentioned here. The registered complaint will directly be set to respected branch/office of the syndicate bank.  REGISTER YOUR COMPLAINT [member][user-submitted-posts][/member]

Banking News

Impact of One Time Settlement Scheme (OTS) on CIBIL

One Time Settlement Scheme (OTS) and  CIBIL Score  – What would be the impact of One Time Settlement Scheme (OTS) on borrowers credit history ? Do they may apply for the fresh loan ? Can fresh loan be provided to such person who already had accepted the OTS proposal on default of loan ? As […]

Wage Revision

10th Bipartite Settlement Calculation

10th Bipartite Settlement Calculation – End of the long waiting day seems to be over for Bankers. Government and IBA has agreed on the 10th Bipartite Wage Settlement. [button color=”red” size=”big” link=”” target=”blank” ]10th Bipartite Clerks Salary Arrear Calculator[/button] Now which is the most buzzing word among Bankers….Calculation….What would be the expected salary after the […]