Banking News

10th Bipartite Chart For Revised Salary Scale Wise – Officers

10th Bipartite Chart For Revised Salary Scale Wise for Officers – The Recent increase in Salary for Bank Officers w.e.t 15% hike in salary other than merging of 60.15% Dearness Allowance in existing basic pay. The New gross salary with remaining Dearness Allowance at different scale of Bank  Officers may be downloaded here below. This […]

Banking News

Major Benefit – 10th Bipartite Settlement

10th Bipartite Settlement – The 10th Bipartite Settlement was agreed and accepted at 15% hike by IBA. Now there are major other benefit which are provided to bankers as per the settlement. [button color=”red” size=”medium” link=”” target=”blank” ]Calculate Your Salary Arrears[/button] The Major Benefit on Hospitalization, Medical and others are as follows : 1 Hospitalization reimbursement […]