Loan FAQ Loans & Advances

How Does accepting OTS effect on Credit History ?

One Time Settlement Scheme , OTS effect on Credit History of an Individual future credit history : Just as all information about credit availed (amount availed, payments, defaults etc) is reported to Credit Information Companies (CICs), the fact that the borrower has closed a loan account after accepting an OTS is also reported to CICs. […]

Loan FAQ Loans & Advances

What is Collateral Security ?

Collateral Security – This is generally defined as additional security borrower offers a lender to secure a loan. Banks may take some additional securities which are called collateral securities. Collateral could be in the form of guarantee from one or two persons, assignment of life insurance policies, lien over shares, and units or other securities or mortgage […]

Loan FAQ Loans & Advances

Is there any Penal Charge for Prepayment of Loan ?

Penal Charge for Prepayment of Loan  – Yes, most banks allow you to repay the loan ahead of schedule by making lump sum payments. However, banks may charge a pre-payment penalty which may differ from bank to bank. Pre-payment penalty may vary according to the sources of funds used to pre-pay the loan – if […]