Banking News

Transfer of PNB & BOI ,Public Sector Bank CEO’s

Government of India demoted two CEO’s of various public sector banks in India. The chief executive of Punjab National Bank (PNB) and Bank of India (BOI) are transferred. There were five another appointment made to different banks including IOB, BOI, PNB, Syndicate Bank, Allahabad Bank, Union Bank of India, Vijaya Bank. Usha Ananthasubramaniam of Punjab National […]

Banking News

RBI Governor Said – Higher Market Share of Private Banks is Good Sign for PSB Bank Merger

What could be the worst for public Sector Bank if RBI itself has decided the faith of Government Public Sector Banks ? RBI governor today advocated the merger of larger Public sector banks and said that it’s a good sign that Private bank are gaining market share. It is a good sign that the weaker banks […]


How To Register on BBPS ?

NPCI new initiative after BHIM apps is BBPS (Bharat Bill Payment System). BBPS is the one stop bill payment system for all the bills generated.Customer can pay any type of bill through one account using any of the payment channels like Online Banking, UPI, BHIM, Internet Banking, Debit Card, Credit Card etc. The BBPS will […]