Banking News

Finance ministry Issued Notices to Public Sector Bank’s To Start Merging

Based on the recent cabinet approval for merging of Public Sector Banks in India, Finance Ministry has issued the notices and written letter to all heads of State run bank to set up a ministerial panel to facilitate consolidation in the public banking space. This communication is being made in order to activate the motion of bank consolidation […]

Banking News

UCO Bank’s Introduction of Performance Based Salary in Government Bank Faces Premature Death

UCO Bank, A nationalized bank tried to start a new phenomenon in Government Banking scenario i.e. Performance based salary, which ultimately dead after creating a lot of panic and noises. First time this was introduced in the public sector bank where bank’s zonal heads had requested suspension of salary payments to 11 branches on grounds […]

Banking News

Now Banker’s Will Be Treated as Group “A” Officers For OBC reservation

For any reason but government has finally accepted that the officials of all public sector banks who are board level executives or managerial level executives will be treated as equivalent to Group “A” central government post. This move was cleared and approved by cabinet committee chaired by prime minister Sri Narendra Modi. Cabinet has also […]