Income Tax

Calculate Your Projected Income Tax for FY 2020-21 in New Tax Regime

Income Tax calculation for FY 2020-21 and AY 2021-22 – Union government has introduced a new income tax strucre along with the existing one. The new income tax regime is optional, and individuals can either opt for the new regime or file their taxes as per the old regime. Existing tax regime: There are three categories of individual taxpayers: […]

Share & Stocks

Learn Stop-Loss trading in Share & Stocks Market

Stop-loss in Stock Markets – Learn the concept of the Stop-loss trading in the stock markets and how to use it while trading using the various brokrage platforms like Angelbroking, Sharekhan etc.  Stop-loss is a method used by an investor to limit his losses. It works as an automatic order given by the investor to […]

Internet Banking Syndicate Bank

How to login Syndicate Bank’s New Internet Banking application ?

Syndicate Bank New Internet Banking Interface – Public Sector Syndicate Bank has introduced a new interface of Internet Banking application for their customers for doing online transactions. The new online banking application is responsive and easy to transact. The upgraded version is made available for retail customers. All the existing SyndicateBank’s customers are moved from […]