Bank’s Legal Notice Served Through WhatsApp is Valid For Loan Recovery

Loan FAQ

A big relief for lenders and bad news for defaulter of  loan or credit card payment or someone who are evading the bank by not receiving their calls or changing your residence ? –  Bombay High Court has ruled that the Legal notice or messages sent through WhatsApp messaging app are valid legal evidence under law, and the blue tick over the messaging app is a valid proof that the respondent has accepted the physical copies of the communication.

The Bombay High Court has observed, while hearing an application filed by the SBI Cards and Payments Services Pvt Ltd against a resident who was a defaulter and evading the bank. He had opened the notice in a PDF file and read its contents. 

Whatsapp inbuilt feature provide the read receipt of message to sender showing “Two Blue Color tick”.

Court has accepted it for the purposes of service of notice under Order XXI Rule 22 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

Law states that a notice is served in person or through registered post. Following the enactment of the I-T Act, which recognizes electronic communication as evidences, courts have allowed legal notices through email. 

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