Banking News

OTP is Mandatory For SBI ATM Cash Withdrawal

In order to curb the fraud, the State Bank of India has made OTP is Mandatory For SBI ATM Cash Withdrawal. All the Cash Withdrawal using SBI Debit Card will required the one-time password (OTP) for cash transactions above Rs 10,000 throughout the day across all its ATMs. This will be available from September 18, […]

Banking News

Who is a Beneficial Owner (BO) in the Banking Accounts ?

Explained – Who is a Beneficial Owner (BO) in the Banking Accounts – As per the guidelines by Prevention of Money-Laundering Act, 2002 and the Prevention of Money-Laundering (Maintenance of Records) Rules, 2005, every Regulated Entities (RE) like banks, insurance companies, stock brokerage firms etc. require to maintain the  customer identification procedures while undertaking a […]