Banking News

Major Benefit – 10th Bipartite Settlement

10th Bipartite Settlement – The 10th Bipartite Settlement was agreed and accepted at 15% hike by IBA. Now there are major other benefit which are provided to bankers as per the settlement. [button color=”red” size=”medium” link=”” target=”blank” ]Calculate Your Salary Arrears[/button] The Major Benefit on Hospitalization, Medical and others are as follows : 1 Hospitalization reimbursement […]

Wage Revision

10th Bipartite Settlement Calculation

10th Bipartite Settlement Calculation – End of the long waiting day seems to be over for Bankers. Government and IBA has agreed on the 10th Bipartite Wage Settlement. [button color=”red” size=”big” link=”” target=”blank” ]10th Bipartite Clerks Salary Arrear Calculator[/button] Now which is the most buzzing word among Bankers….Calculation….What would be the expected salary after the […]

Banking News

Download Application Form DDA Housing Scheme 2014

Download Application Form DDA Housing Scheme 2014 – the official website of Delhi Development Authority is crashed due to heavy traffic since morning. People are unable to get any details like DDA Housing Application Form, Scheme details etc about much awaited housing Scheme 2014. Those applicants who are unable to download the application form of […]