How To Register on BBPS ?


NPCI new initiative after BHIM apps is BBPS (Bharat Bill Payment System). BBPS is the one stop bill payment system for all the bills generated.Customer can pay any type of bill through one account using any of the payment channels like Online Banking, UPI, BHIM, Internet Banking, Debit Card, Credit Card etc.

The BBPS will consist of two types of entities carrying out distinct functions:

(i) Bharat Bill Payment Central Unit (BBPCU) – This will be the single authorized entity operating the BBPS, NPCI will act as BBPCU for Bharat Bill Payment system interface. The BBPCU will set necessary operational, technical and business standards for the entire system and its participants, and also undertake clearing and settlement activities.

(ii) Bharat Bill Payment Operating Units (BBPOUs) – These are the operational center which will process the customer request for payment of bills as like Banks etc.  They will be working in adherence to the standards set by the BBPCU. 

As already stated there will be one BBCPU i.e. NPCI where as , there could be multiple BBPOUs operating under the BBPS.

Read : What is Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS) ?

How To Register on BBPS ?

  1. Customer needs to visit any of the BBPS Kiosk, Outlets or physical Sale point to register themselves offline.
  2. In order to Register for BBPS Online, customer need to visit the BBPS website or any of the linked website of BBPOU’s.
  3. The customer would be required to provide his name, address, email id, mobile number and an identification document like service ID, Customer ID of bills etc. After registration, a customer ID would be created which would be used as a reference for all future transactions.
  4.  Walk-in customer may also pay the bills online without registration.

5. Customer under option may choose any of the Biller category as like insurance premium, mobile postpaid bills, DTH bills, Gas, Electricity bills, Water bills etc. Once they select the biller category , a list of biller name would appear for selection. Customer May choose the biller name and enter the service ID.

ReadBBPS – List of Benefit To Customers and Billers


There are already online Bill Payment Status check link is there where once can check the status of their Bill Payment. They can even file the dispute online also.
Who are the Participants for BBPOU –  Participants for BBPS could be any of the companies who are generating valid bills to customer for payment. Already there are many companies who have given their node to NPCI for additional to payment system. This is very useful for the business correspondents (BC’s) of the banks. They already have their retail presence across the country which they would be using these outlets as their bill collection points. Bank’s would take the benefit of BBPS while retaining customer and float funds in their account.

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