11th Bipartite Settlement – Officer’s Summary of Demand Submitted To IBA

11th Bipartite Settlement Salary Structure Wage Revision

Finally after lot of repeated reminder by government, Bank’s officers union has submitted the summary of demand and no charted of demand to Indian Banker’s association (IBA). Bank officer’s union are not having that much time to finalize the Charter of Demand of their members. They have requested IBA to grant them time for preparing the charter of demands for 11th Bipartite wage settlement for bank employees.

The combined Officer’s union AIBOC, AIBOA, INBOC, NOBO has submitted the common demands to IBA.

Summary of Demands seek by Officer’s Union 

  1. Merger of Dearness Allowance (DA) up to 31-10-2017
  2. Addition of DA upto 31-10-2017 with basic pay.
  3. Revise DA formula for automatic consideration against price rise.
  4. FPA will be paid on each year after reaching the maximum in scale.
  5. Date of sanction of annual increment should be 01st Jan and 1st July
  6. Automatic movement of PQP
  7. Upward revision of HRA as per market rent
  8. Increase in CCA
  9. Post allowance should be introduced
  10. Closing allowance should be paid once in three month
  11. Transportation charges should be improved with payment of two month salary as additional on transfer
  12. Payment of lumsump amount for child education on transfer
  13. Rationalization of Halting allowances, Travelling expenses etc.
  14. Incentive for working in Rural areas
  15. Introduction of commercial banking allowance as prevail in RBI
  16. LFC enhancement with air fare allowed to all the scale of officer’s with aboard facilities.
  17. Special provision for women employees to work from home
  18. Introduction of five days banking
  19. Working hours of officers should be defined
  20. Income criteria of dependent should be increased
  21. Provident fund should be 12% of the total salary and allowances
  22. Gratuity should be paid for one month salary
  23. Roll back of NPS to regular pension scheme
  24. Pension should be paid on One Rank One pension system
  25. Present ceiling of 3% of net profit on employees should be changed to Gross profit
  26. Categorization of branches should be done at IBA level

Read : 11th Bipartite – Clerk Charter of Demands Submitted to IBA By Workmen Unions

The point wise discussion on Demands sough by Officer’s union will be done on same blog. Kindly Join us for latest update and discussion on Android Apps@11th Bipartite Settlement

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